Friday, June 15, 2018

4 graders in Chile

Savka, a great Saya dancer. (saya, a northern chilean folklore dance)
This picture was taken at the school, for a student show talent.
The best course at the school. Students working on their classroom assignment.

Hi there. It´s been a long time no posting. I'm currently working in the North of  Chile this time. Ovalle is located in the northern part. I´m teaching in a Public school.

Monday, September 23, 2013

In my spare time..

Some people like to do different things in their leasure time. There are some who  hang out with friend, go to dancing or drinking and another who prefere diffent things.

I like reading a lot. Nowadays I'm reading this amazing dragonkeeper chronicles. These awesome books weave together memorable characters, daring adventure, and eternal truth. They are deep enough to captivate adults and straighforward enough to engage a younger audience.

Monday, July 29, 2013

student's blogs

 Christian Castro blog adress is:
Maximiliano Marin blogs is:
Franco Cambursano's:
Manuel Mejias blog's:
Thalia Henott blog's:
Anita Alfaro's:

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The reason why we need to use technology

Since the dawn of man we have looked for more efficient ways to manipulate our environment, we have developed new technologies that help us to work, record information and communicate. With every new information the world is changed forever. New technologies effects economics in nearly every field that affect what we do in our leisure time, they affect how information is shared. Technologies can improve our lives, they can light our way to a better future. HOWEVER, if we don´t adopt or adjust to new innovations we can get left behind. Technolgy is changing fast, new technological innovations are occurring everyday. THEREFORE, it's important our children learn how to use this new tools, we need to invest in the tools, training and infrastructure to engage students in learning tasks that emphasize creation, manipulation, innovation and are appropriate tools for active engagment in authentic learning tasks. The studets  are ready " we need to engage them or enrage them" they want to learn, they want to learn with the tools that will shape their future.
We need to be there to help them learn how to critically analize information, we need to be there to make their experience with these tools safe, we need the tools to make this happen

Saturday, April 23, 2011

parts of speech

parts of speech

Traditional grammar classifies words based on eight parts of speech: the verb, the noun, the pronoun, the adjective, the adverb, the preposition, the conjunction, and the interjection.

Each part of speech explains not what the word is, but how the word is used. In fact, the same word can be a noun in one sentence and a verb or adjective in the next. The next few examples show how a word's part of speech can change from one sentence to the next, and following them is a series of sections on the individual parts of speech, followed by an exercise.

Books are made of ink, paper, and glue.

In this sentence, "books" is a noun, the subject of the sentence.

Deborah waits patiently while Bridget books the tickets.

Here "books" is a verb, and its subject is "Bridget."

We walk down the street.

In this sentence, "walk" is a verb, and its subject is the pronoun "we."

The mail carrier stood on the walk.

In this example, "walk" is a noun, which is part of a prepositional phrase describing where the mail carrier stood.

The town decided to build a new jail.

Here "jail" is a noun, which is the object of the infinitive phrase "to build."

The sheriff told us that if we did not leave town immediately he would jail us.

Here "jail" is part of the compound verb "would jail."

They heard high pitched cries in the middle of the night.

In this sentence, "cries" is a noun acting as the direct object of the verb "heard."

The baby cries all night long and all day long.

But here "cries" is a verb that describes the actions of the subject of the sentence, the baby.

Greeting students

My dear students in this new year we are going to know many exciting things about English that may be you ignore, but the idea is everyone can understand everything in the best way, for that reason I need that you have a positive attitude toward the language and remember this is an important tool in your professional lifes.