Thursday, October 1, 2009

What's your Learning Style?

I want my children to understand the world, but not just because the world is fascinating and the human mind is curious. I want them to understand it so that they will be positioned to make it a better place. Knowledge is not the same as morality, but we need to understand if we are to avoid past mistakes and move in productive directions. An important part of that understanding is knowing who we are and what we can do... Ultimately, we must synthesize our understandings for ourselves. The performance of understanding that try matters are the ones we carry out as human beings in an imperfect world which we can affect for good or for ill.

Visual learners take information best with their eyes. They love to watch someone else do something before they try it themselves. They love colour and are typically organized. Visuals often maintain a neat appearance will use visual language when they talk..."I see"...."Imagine"..."Look at this."

Auditory learners use their ears to take in information. They love to listen to others and often like to talk a bit themselves. They need to talk with others to cement what they are learning and are easily distracted by noise in the learning environment. Auditory people use language like, "I hear what you're saying"..."Listen to me".

These learners need to move their bodies to keep their brains fully functioning. Most kids in a classroom are highly kinesthetic and have a hard time sitting and listening for long periods of time. Use body shots and frequent state changes to keep them alert and to manage behavior. Kinesthetic people dress with comfort in mind (loose) and often use language like, "I feel tired"..."Can I try that?"

A mini English Grammar Lesson for Visual Learners

This mini - grammar in intended for visual learners and teaches them to use various visual material ( diagrams , pictures , tables , photographs between others ) in order to memorise some of the key points of English grammar .
It is composed of 7 exercises to be done by pupils , labelled A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Depending on the pupils with whom it is studied , such or such exercise may be removed.

It includes 7 key points of English grammar:
Comparative and Superlatives
Frequency Adverb